Our Global Scale
Through our partnerships, we have the ability to design, install and service projects almost anywhere in the world. Through our partnerships, we have the ability to install and service in over 132 countries.
When it comes to service, there is nobody better. Our first line is proactive monitoring and control system which allows us to know and fix issues before the customer experiences it. We also have a robust Customer Care Center that addresses more serious issue. Employees of the customer can call our Customer Care Center Directly. We fix the issue rapidly according to SLA’s, but also log the call and report to the Customer. Third, we offer onsite full-time technicians for larger sites, freeing up your IT staff from dealing with AV issues. Finally, we have traditional technicians we can deploy to almost anywhere in the world to fix more serious issues.
The benefits of partnering with UTG on a multi-location and global basis are:
- Scale – reduce your cost by up to 40% by negotiating price at the enterprise level
- Consistency in user experience – whether an employee walks into a conference room in the U.S. or the U.K., they will experience the same touch panel and instructions on how to use the equipment.
- Remote support and customer care center usage – Rather than your IT department getting bogged down with AV requests, allow us to help your employees through our Direct Support model.